by Kevin Russell | chimney inspection, Chimney Maintenance
Chimney sweeps tell friends and neighbors all the time: if you wouldn’t trust your favorite seamstress to stitch up your wound, don’t trust the neighborhood handyman to build, repair, or make installations on your chimney system. When it comes to health and safety,...
by Kevin Russell | chimney inspection
When it comes to safety, we all reach for certified professionals. If your car needs maintenance, you schedule with a licensed mechanic. When you have a health problem or emergency, you go straight to the doctor’s office or emergency room. We don’t often put our...
by Kevin Russell | Chimney Mortar
Do you have gaps in your mortar? This type of occurrence is a common issue over time, even in well-made chimneys. Spalling is a broad term used to describe masonry damage. Cracks in concrete, potholes on roadways—these are examples of spalling. Your chimney is...