by Kevin Russell | fire safety
Fire Prevention Week is one of our favorite times of year, because it allows us the opportunity to share with the community fire safety. Situated each year in the fall around the time of the Great Chicago Fire, this week helps us to educate communities nationwide...
by Kevin Russell | fireplace maintenance
Whether you’re a proud new homeowner with a new fireplace or a seasoned fireplace operator, it’s a good idea to review fireplace safety tips. Proper fireplace operation keeps your fire at the highest level of efficiency and safety. Proper Fuel is Top-Priority Choosing...
by Kevin Russell | fireplace maintenance
The holidays are a time of family gatherings, traditions, festivities, and more. For decades the fireplace has been a focal point of most holiday gatherings. There are even television channels that provide families with an imitation holiday fire! There is nothing like...
by Kevin Russell | fire safety
Nothing warms your home up on a cold wintry day quite like a roaring fire. No matter how experienced with burning you are, having a fireplace comes with certain safety risks. However, many safety risks associated with fireplaces can be greatly reduced by using a...
by Kevin Russell | Chimney Information, creosote, csia certified chimney sweep, fire safety
Fireplaces are one of the most sought after features in real estate, and more than 30% of homes in the United States use fireplaces, stoves, or other heating appliances. While they add warmth and ambiance to our homes, fireplaces can also come with a serious safety...