by Kevin Russell | Tuckpointing
Of all the things that might go wrong with your chimney system, the worst might be masonry damage. When the masonry becomes damaged, the chimney can take on water from the top or sides. Water can destroy the chimney system from the inside out, leading to rusted and...
by Kevin Russell | Chimney Maintenance
Your chimney may be built properly and by a certified professional, but the best chimneys are still susceptible to damage. The biggest culprit and most detrimental circumstance for your masonry chimney is preventable: water penetration. The Problem with Water Water...
by Kevin Russell | Masonry Damage
As the temperatures drop, many families retreat indoors to escape the harsh winter weather. And while some homeowners take steps to protect their fireplaces and chimneys against the cold, many do not realize that all masonry structures can be damaged by the cold, ice,...