People are our passion at New Buck Chimney Services. Through chimney services, community involvement, and public education and resources, we strive to keep families safe year after year. We also strive to keep others safe through a nonprofit organization spearheaded by owners Kevin and Teresa Russell. Through Warrior Horse, we are able to help veterans struggling with PTSD, the people who have gone to war for this country. This is a mission that we hope will save lives.
A Devastating Statistic
According to the Veteran Affairs suicide data report, approximately 22 veterans take their lives each day. While some think this number is inaccurate, we believe one thing for certain: one veteran suicide is one too many. We feel impassioned to help these warriors who chose to help us by joining the military.
Serving Those Who Served
Using our passion for and knowledge of horses, we are able to help veterans who have PTSD by teaching them to trust again. This method, called the equine-assisted method, uses a “bonding process” to take one step toward recovery. We offer programs for currently serving members of the armed forces as well as veterans who have had some time since active duty. There is no cost for the veteran themselves. Each program is specifically designed to take advantage of the three-day program.
The Program
During the program, veterans will learn the basic skills for safety and nonverbal communication techniques while working with the horses. After practicing the technique, the veteran will set up a round pen and have a horse picked for them, one that will be the best match in temperament and personality. The pair will then begin the “bonding process” in which the veteran and retired thoroughbred will interact one-on-one with a coach on-hand until mutual trust is achieved with the horse and veteran. Oftentimes this one achievement permits change in the veteran that will benefit their treatment for PTSD in the future as well as their home life, relationships, jobs, and more.
Dream Project Turned Reality
Kevin Russell’s Warrior Horse dream is finally a reality after years of dreaming, planning, and fundraising, and now we can begin to serve those who have served us.
At this point, we can only serve 5 veterans per program due to resources and funding. With help from donors throughout the chimney industry, equine communities, and individuals and families who feel passionately about our veterans, we are ready to work for US Veterans.
If you’d like to help with a one-time donation or an ongoing monthly commitment, you can now do so on our webpage . You can sponsor a horse for a month, send a veteran to a three-day program, or even sponsor a whole class of veterans. Donate any amount with our one time or monthly option. All donations are secured Paypal transactions and go straight to Warrior Horse programming.
Want to know more about Warrior Horse? At New Buck Chimney Services, our Kevin Russell runs the show, and he loves talking about Warrior Horse. We are also proud to hire veterans at New Buck Chimney Services.